Quality policy statement
We are becoming more committed to quality and customer service every day because we want to become the best in our field. Quality for us is not simply yet another goal but the basic strategy for surviving in today’s competitive market and ensuring our continued growth for the future.
Our customers demand quality products from us, and it is our responsibility to give them quality products because, if we didn’t, they would find other people who could give them quality products. That is why we know very well that our priority must be to make sure at all times that we are clear in our minds what the customer wants and to correct ourselves whenever we make a mistake so that we do not repeat the mistake in the future.
Our quality goals are to provide quality products at the lowest possible prices.Focusing on this goal leads us to have the utmost concern for customer satisfaction and to continuously improve. Each time a goal is achieved, in fact, it must stimulate the formulation of new challenges all aimed at improvement.
The vision
Our journey toward Quality is not a short-term program because satisfying customers through continuous improvement of our processes and management system is an ambitious program that must be kept alive by a constant commitment to improve the way we work on a daily basis by providing a safe working environment, managing our processes better, selecting the best suppliers, aiming to expand in the market, and providing a better quality of professional life for all our employees.
Quality First
It must be clear to everyone who works at NTS that Quality must always be put first and cannot be sacrificed in the name of saving money or time. Within our structure, every employee has the opportunity to speak to his or her supervisor if he or she believes that, for whatever reason, product quality has been compromised because of some poor decision. The Quality Manual was drafted according to the company’s reality and in compliance with the following Standards:
UNI EN ISO 9001/2015
NTS in accordance with this standard, promotes a process approach based on risk analysis and is committed to the fulfillment of Customer requirements. Any conflict arising from the application of this document shall be submitted to Top Management through the Quality Manager for appropriate resolution.
Senior management